Hibiscus Coast Shore-dive Package


Hibiscus Coast Shore-dive Package

Hibiscus Coast Shore-dive Package: you just don’t need a boat down here on the lush and tropical KZN Lower South Coast. Shore entries are easy. There are soooo many fish at sooo many dive spots. This entire area has been well-looked after. By us and the authorities. Plunderers from the outside are not welcome here.


Is at the Umzimkulu Marina, right on the Umzimkulu Estuary, which leads us straight out to sea. There is a boat-dive option coming right up, which takes full advantage of this amazing facility.

Self-catering or catered

Up to you. All the units are fully-equipped.


We have beach buggies and all sorts to bounce between carparks. You can also tag along in your own vehicle.


BYO or we can rent/supply no problemo. You do need about 3mm of rubber and the basics to keep warm. The water seldom drops to below 18 and mainly hovers at 23 to 24 – perfect temperature for shooting fish.

The biggest fish you gonna encounter can be right up into billfish sizes – so you do need some power and range. And lotsa line for your reel gun, or rope for your traditional style of swimming.

And that’s about it…get in touch to get a daily, weekly or even monthly rate. Contact Sean on +27793269671 or umzimkulu@gmail.com.


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